Acute pain During Sex: Can it be Vaginismus?

The reason you are reading this article is probably because you are experiencing, or experienced pain during intercourse. Is that right?

Well, do not worry, it is not a big deal. However, it is a problem that should not be overlooked.

Vaginismus is a common condition which has many causes and which results in painful intercourse. This painful intercourse is caused by involuntary tightening of muscles inside the vagina. And that makes sex really painful and sometimes even impossible.

Well, that sounds scary, does it not?

Nevertheless, it is not an issue you are not able to handle. But in order to be able to do that you will need to discuss this issue with a doctor. Or someone who has some experience with painful sex. Before you decide what your diagnosis is, let a professional take a look at it. I mean, painful sex could be caused by something else such as an infection, or an injury, so do not underestimate it.


Once you are sure that your pain is not caused by any physical serious problem, start looking for possible causes of vaginismus. And start doing the Kegel exercise daily.

This exercise can help you release the muscle tension and make sex painless again.

Whatever you do, just do not panic and do not give up on your sex life. Talk to your partner about your issue, together you will handle it all!

Acute pain during sex can be upsetting, but you should not give up. It is important that you start acting while you can!